National Lotteries Commission (NLC)

National Lotteries Commission (NLC)
Long Business Description:

The National Lotteries Commission (NLC) was established in terms of the Lotteries Amendment Act (No 32 of 2013) to regulate the National Lottery as well as other lotteries, including society lotteries to raise funds and promotional competitions.

The NLC evolved out of the National Lotteries Board, established in terms of the Lotteries Act No 57 of 1997.

Other responsibilities of the Commission include advising the Minister of Trade and Industry on policy matters relating to the National Lottery and other lotteries.

NLC members are also trustees of the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund (NLDTF), into which National Lottery proceeds that are intended for allocation to good causes are deposited.

The NLC does not adjudicate applications for funding or make allocations to organisations. This is done by committees known as distributing agencies which are also appointed by the Minister of Trade and Industry, in conjunction with other relevant Ministers, after a process of public nomination. The NLC provides administrative support to the distributing agencies.

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